Thread: Well depth
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Old 08-12-2020, 12:55 PM
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Camelopardalis (Dunk)
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Originally Posted by The_bluester View Post
Everyone I have seen who has imaged with one is very happy with it (I am)

I have not yet found anyone who has a problem that can be definitively sheeted home to the camera. I have seen someone report that they cant get it to connect but that could just as easily be a cable or PC issue, or even an issue with another bit of gear, I had a problem with the USB port on my guide camera which was connected to the USB hub of my old ASI294, that turned out to be a tiny bit of corrosion from being out in the dew and was cleaned up with a bit of isopropyl, but while it was a problem it actually took my ASI294 offline as well as the guide cam (But not the focus motor, which was also on the camera hub!)

If I had the money I would buy another one and retire the ASI294, which I still have. Hopefully they make the choice harder for me and release a mono version of the 2600 next year!

If I had the funds, I'd be all over one of these like a bad rash
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