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Old 04-09-2020, 08:37 PM
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With the ASI6200mm and the QHY600 ( I know not the same camera but the full frame version of the same sensor in the ASI268C and QHY268C) there are differences.

Firstly QHY users a higher grade of the same sensor. Performance is the same but its rated for a longer life.

Secondly QHY has different modes that can give a higher well depth than the ASI. I suppose you could work out the gain and offset levels to match these (I assume that is all the QHY is doing to get these "modes" but it might also be something else). QHY says their QHY26C has 75,000 electron full well depth whereas ZWO is "only" 50,000. Full well depth and read noise determines dynamic range. I am sure the deeper wells comes at a cost of higher read noise so the ultimate dynamic range is most likely similar.

Thirdly QHY has gotten on top of this faint horizontal banding the 6200 sensor can have (it apparently is not visible in most images unless they are very dim areas). They have a firmware fix for it, ZWO does not.

I have read QHY has the better build quality. The ASI6200 has 256mb DDRAM but the QHY has 2GB.

ZWO has the reputation of having solid reliable drivers. QHY in the past has not although I have read they have since sorted them (I'd double check though).

That's what I have picked up in my research into these cameras so far.

The other thing is both manufacturers seem to not have any stock and these are backordered everywhere. They are very popular cameras.

There is also a mono version of the QHY268 coming out in October for US$2095.

Its an APSc sized sensor and appears to be the same architecture as the 6200 sensor just scaled down.

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