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Old 04-08-2020, 05:01 PM
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Widefield lens for Canon:

1. EF, no RF lenses yet that are good that I am aware of. The only lenses canon makes that are half decent for nightscapes are the 24-70 F2.8ii and the 35mm F1.4 ii. That's it.

2. Samyang: 14 2.8XP, 20 1.8, 24 1.4. I think the 35 1.4 might be fine too.

3. Sigma: Hmm Art lenses, kind of great, kind of crap, big heavy, the 35 1.4 is unreliable I've had 2 and they are prone to failure (both failed). Also a lot of coma in the corners wide open. They are also expensive.
Sigma Art 14 1.8 is the best 14mm lens out there at the moment.
Art 28 1.4 I read is superb. 40mm 1.4 is superb 105 1.4 I super superb. That's it. I have seen some nice 20 1.4 and 50 1.4 images but they don't review too well for coma.

4. Tamron: There 35m 1.4 is apparently the best 35mm out there. Plus its cheaper than the Sigma Art.

That's pretty much the current scene with regards to nightscape lenses.

Art 14 1.8 and Art 28 1.8 (getting a bit narrow and will start to need mosaics to fit everything in) would make a good pair. 105 1.4 for widefield deep sky objects with the EOS Ra and a nice tracking mount would be a hot combo and one I intend to do at some point. That lens though is $2100.

The Art 40mm is a super lens but huge, heavy and expensive. 40mm means mosaics only.

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