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Old 09-07-2020, 03:32 PM
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multiweb (Marc)
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multiweb is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
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I'd say class 1 sensors have less hot pixels or defects out of the box than class 2. Having said that after let's say 10 years of use your CCD will have been bombarded copiously with cosmic rays depending on usage so the end result might be the same. It is very likely that when it develops column defects and hot pixels over time you will still be able to calibrate that out by dithering, dark frame subtraction or bad pixel map. In pratice I have a KAF8300 that is 11 years old. It has a lot of defects now but I calculated that it still well under 1% of the total sensor suface. And that's after over 10 years of use. So it is worth the extra money?
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