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Old 13-06-2020, 08:03 PM
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Sharpening worms.

Sharpening artifacts.

We often mention sharpening worms when discussing a pic and
I agree that it can look awful when the image is expanded to full size.
Most of the time we talk about such artifacts in areas of
highlighted details but they can appear in backgrounds.

CHART 32 - a very popular site with the best high res pics -
has someone called Bernd Flach-Wilken who has managed
to turn all the backgrounds into worms with bad processing.
When you go to "expand to actual size" you can see millions of them -

see here:

NGC 4216-4206-422 Galaxies in Virgo
and here:
NGC6820-3 Nebula + Cluster.

Yet - the ones processed by Johannes Schedler have
beautiful backgrounds with no worms - example -

NGC7550 Galaxy Group.

I wonder if CHART32 know about it?
What is generally accepted now when doing sharpening?
Any comments?
I know that Mike sometimes mentions this subject.

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