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Old 05-05-2020, 09:29 AM
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Saturn488 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2018
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 365
Intel NUC hands down. Sure it may end up costing more but I think it's well worth it in the long run for the following reasons:

- Much more powerful than a Pi
- WiFi range is stronger
- Can have as much or as little storage and RAM as you like
- Sequence Generator Pro!

ASIAir Pro looks like a great device but it's only compatible with their hardware. Stellarmate I had a look at but what concerns me the most is it has a less than 4 star rating out of 5 and I can't find many people using it at all.

I custom built mine in an enclosure that sits on my tripod, best thing I have done. I have seen people mount it on their scope but I wanted to keep the weight off (just run long USB cables so you don't get any tangles). I RDP to it from my PC inside the house over wifi and it's very smooth. If I want to take it out in the field all I do is run an ethernet cable from the NUC to my laptop and RDP again.

You won't need anything more than an i3, 8GB RAM and 250GB SSD. 16GB would be nice but not necessary, I get about 65% RAM usage now with my 8GB.
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