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Old 16-03-2020, 09:03 PM
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barx1963 (Malcolm)
Bright the hawk's flight

barx1963 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Mt Duneed Vic
Posts: 3,980
So a number of people have pulled out. I will not share who or why as I believe reasons are private. But at this stage I intend to go ahead. Numbers are going to be low as we normally get a flurry of bookings in the last week or so and that has just not happened.
I had a chat with my local clinic today and their info is that they are not testing anyone at this stage UNLESS they have been in contact with someone who has tested positive or been overseas recently. Having sniffles, fever, headache is not enough for them to test, only if you are having trouble breathing. I will ask everyone attending to be aware of "social distancing" and to regularly wash and dry your hands. I have purchased some hand cleanser and will have plain old soap as well. Hand sanitiser is really only for situation where water is not available and we have plenty of that at SV so it shouldn't be needed.
Andy has offered to do the presentations that he was going to do at NEAF (which is now cancelled) so SV gets the first look!! THANKS ANDY!!

Obviously, if anything changes with the health situation, I will advise as soon as I know. And again, if you have any concerns, please contact me by PM, email or phone 0448 567 187

Cheers all

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