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Old 20-01-2020, 11:04 AM
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Paul Haese
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Paul Haese is offline
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Thanks everyone for the comments.

Originally Posted by strongmanmike View Post
Very nice result Paul, it is such an intriguing galaxy, so many swirls and the accompanying galaxies make for a lot of interest in the scene

One of the coolest bit of this galaxy though, is a faint two lobed outer loop extension. It is hard to pick up in your image as displayed but extends down to the lower right and out of the frame in a 5pm direction. It is discernible in your image under a strong stretch. If you had positioned the galaxy a bit further to the upper left and rotated the camera slightly clockwise you would have fitted it all in nicely I recon..?

Anyway, that's just an aside, still a great shot.


Thanks Mike. I did consider another framing to include that outer stream. I noted it a few years back when I used the FSQ to image the region and it started to come out with extended integration. That outer stream is really faint, but a worthy target. Perhaps one day in the future I'll try to capture all of it. If I get the new AG12 setup with the STXL I think I could capture it well as well as the rest of the field.

Originally Posted by codemonkey View Post
Nice one Paul; classy as usual. I think this would be an interesting target to go ultra deep on. Are you planning to add data over future seasons?

Thanks Lee, I think I'll have to try for to another lot of imaging next year, just to see what I can get out of it. There are a lot of background galaxies in the field and those combined with the tidal streams might well produce interesting results.

Originally Posted by Atmos View Post
The 24 hours of data is really showing there Paul, such a smooth and clean result with some very good detail within the galaxies themselves

The virtually blue large background galaxy on the right side (NGC 1310) intrigues me.

Thanks Colin, a bit of smoothing had to be employed but it was only slight to get a smooth background. NGC1310 does not appear to have many old stars within it. I looked at several images of this galaxy and not many showed much colour other than blue. The only one that showed much colour was Rolf's image a few years back.

Originally Posted by marco View Post
Excellent shot Paul, very detailed. Are you working at 0.98"/pixel, right?
May I ask the average FWHM you had on the original fit?
Clear skies

Thank Marco, the image scale is 0.94"/pixel. This image is a slight crop to remove some odd shaped stars in the far corners. The FWHM of individual subs used were according to CCDStack2 2-3.1. Seeing has been a bit average at Clayton for the last few years but still quite serviceable. The stack of luminance FWHM was 4 prior to some decon. Why do you ask?
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