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Old 09-01-2020, 06:50 PM
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John K
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Plate solving with SGP, AP900 mount and APCC

Hi everyone,

I have an AP900 mount and use the AP APCC software to control it as well as SGP.

I cannot get SGP to plate solve correctly any more and I always seem to by off by about 10-15% of the Width/Height of the image in both Dec and RA. Luckily I bookmark my star guide position in PHD2 and can manually return to the same position.

I have tried to change to J2000 in both the SGP Plate solver parameters and in APCC but still no luck - or should SGP be J2000 and APCC as JNow?

Can someone using APCC and an AP mount advise on what the settings should be in APCC and SGP?

Appreciate it.

Clear skies,

John Kazanas.
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