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Old 06-10-2019, 12:00 PM
I.C.D (Ian)
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Location: Wattle Ponds via Singleton
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Originally Posted by FrancoRodriguez View Post
Hi there, fellow astro dudes!
Hopefully a very simple question that won't take up much of people's time...

As the title says, is there anything wrong with simply buying a big cement block, like an old retainer wall, around 1m^3 and chuck it in a hole, and drilling holes for screws to put a pier on? I'm guessing they don't have rebar inside. Is that an issue?
The other option would be more costly (and I don't know what I'm doing so would need to get a concreter): To fill up a 0.8-1m^3 hole with cement slurry +- rebar (is that worth it?). There's also the option then to put J pegs in the slurry (also, is that worth it? It sure would suck if they inserted them wonky).
It'll be the DDM85 mount I mentioned here the other day. The total weight would probably be around 100-110kg all included, pier and all (a wild guess).
Hi If you have not poured
your pier you mite have a look at this type
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