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Old 23-09-2019, 09:51 PM
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Peter Ward
Galaxy hitchhiking guide

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Originally Posted by Camelopardalis View Post

For sensors where there is both a mono and OSC version available, the mono version is not more sensitive...they’re both the same, it’s just that the OSC permanently has a colour filter over the pixels. In practice, the mono sensor does too, since you need to use some kind of filter to produce a meaningful image.....
Sorry. This is just wrong.

Because mono cameras don't have a bayer matrix, ALL of the pixels produce signal in R, G , B or from whatever, from the filter you have (or not) in place.

That is not the case with a OSC. Only 1/3rd or so of the pixels are producing signal in R, G or B.

The signal in a mono camera is higher as a result of all of the pixels being used and producing a spectrum specific read-up charge.

In short....mono sensors are more sensitive.
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