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Old 27-08-2019, 09:01 AM
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Gravity does not Suck

xelasnave is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Tabulam
Posts: 17,003
OK...back to work.
This morning at day break I got back into it..
Rounding stuff up last night I decided to paint all the exposed pine that I had to use...had to only because it was available and I had no similar hardwood..after using hardwood pine seems so pathetic...still doing the roof in hardwood ?..a real challenge.
So the painting that I planned is complefe plus two new canvassesfor some recreational acrylic pour art work one that I had to start over..

Now I have to go around and add fastnings where needed, a tedious job but necessary now the thing is in place..and I want to at least start the holes for each of the pier footings don't need to dig much but it will for me be rather painful...maybe I should have bought a bottle of booze for this part...but what do you do..they won't dig themselves...I have worked out the pier for the heq5 in detail and although as simple as I can come up with effectively requires a ply mold for the cement which although that will take some effort after it is completethings should go rather quickly...I hope ..Anyways that's my rest period done..another hour of work and then something to eat if I remember.

And I came back to find two swallows have made a nest over the light fitting in the annex ..I had taken the glasscover off for transporting the van now I can't put it back cause they are there...but neat company..they sat close by all this morning and although I know they were only concerned it was nice to have a living creature nearby..even the ants seemed to be gathering around the work bench and getting in the way but I didn't step on any.
I must give them names later.
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