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Old 22-08-2019, 08:43 PM
Martin Pugh
Registered User

Martin Pugh is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Canberra, Australia
Posts: 1,343
Astrophotography Image Processing

Hello everyone.
As an extension to my remote imaging, telescope hosting and data subscription business, I have now begun to offer one-on-one tutorials in image processing.
So the question to ask is: How do you rate your image processing skills? Do you have great data but just cannot produce an image that will impress your followers, friends and those at the local Astronomical society?

Well, it is possible that I can help.

The tutorials will be conducted using the awesome collaboration tool called Zoom. I have just completed my first (test) session today with a guy in Arizona, and it went exceedingly well with the customer being able to view in great resolution my screen and was able to follow the session with ease.

I can offer tailored sessions to address your requirements and it doesn't matter whether you are an absolute beginner who perhaps has some data from a subscription service or a friend, or perhaps you are fed up of those magenta halos in your NB images.

For the sessions, I will be using any one or more of the following software programs: Maxim DL, CCDStack, Photoshop CC (with a whole bunch of associated plug-ins) and (limited) PixInsight.

Sessions can cover any of the following, and more:
Basic image calibration, registration, noise reduction, and combining
Detailed start to finish processing of:
Galaxy HaLRGB:
Nebula HaLRGB:
Bi-colour Narrowband:
Tri-colour Narrowband:

If this interests you, please PM me for further details.

cheers and clear skies
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