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Old 19-04-2019, 07:49 AM
xelasnave's Avatar
Gravity does not Suck

xelasnave is offline
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Originally Posted by sharpiel View Post fell into his evil trap. You know he can’t be trusted when he contradicts himself...
The quality you are trying to describe is ...flexible☺

I think maybe when I reference violence it is a sad observation of how it is somewhat the norm...I was watching a youtube video and the guy said he buys 500 rounds of ammunition each time he goes shopping in preparation for the day of collapse and he will have to kill folk to protect what is his...I guess my comment was having a go at that type..go to mass and after go out and kill.

A happy weekend to you also Les.
You are one of the good guys care and you make a difference.

You guys wont believe this but for the last two days I have made friends with a small house fly.

I know its the same fly as one of his wings has a unique upturn on the end...but he sits in the one spot on my lap the left away from where I roll the mouse around...he just came back now but he is sitting on my knee...I am sure he knows that I would not hurt a fly and at least feels safe...folk look at these small creatures devoid of compassion which is their loss..firstly they have to kill them and that is sad for both parties...secondly they are annoyed by their presence but I look at small creatures and think how lucky I am to have a life which offers more experience than theirs also I am able to remember they have advantages that I do not...they can fly which I cant do..honest..I cant..I dont even try...and he has multiple eyes which frankly I envy.
I am trying to regain my composure and here is why...I am still stacking re Eta Carina...I awoke to save the lastest stack and noticed my five startool processed files were not in the DSS file list...their disappearance announced yesterdays work was all gone...however when I opened the folder in Startools all the completed files were there...what a relief but my composure has yet to settle...hey you should see my little fly he is right back sitting on the lappy in the same spot as yesterday and the day before and the day before that...
And folk forget all life shares a common ancestor.
Anyways got a little more to stack ..onto HA now and there are 200 subs so that will run for a while.
I wonder if the fly can see the images ..maybe thats what he is doing..maybe he sees it better than me.
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