Thread: ASI183MC Pro
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Old 07-02-2019, 10:50 PM
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Camelopardalis (Dunk)
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Camelopardalis is offline
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Rowland, I have the 178MM, which preceded the 183 and has the same pixel size and technology, only in a smaller (6MP) sensor size.

I use it to push the limits of my Esprit 100, and it can’t defeat the laws of physics - it just needs more light. Exposure times are consequently longer than larger pixeled cameras, and the resolution is determined by the seeing as always, but it can produce decent results.

One thing to watch out for is that the amp glow on the Sony sensors can look horrific - although it can usually be calibrated out well.

The 183 would probably be well suited to a fast newt or a short, fast refractor.
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