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Old 20-09-2018, 07:59 PM
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Peter Ward
Galaxy hitchhiking guide

Peter Ward is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: The Shire
Posts: 8,141
Interesting question, but with ANY engineering, that last few percent of perfection costs.

But it simply comes down to what do you want to use? E.g. if you really like 30 year old Scotch, then don’t don’t buy Johnny Walker’ll be disappointed.

If 3nm filters were easy to make, then everybody would be making them.

They provide contrast that you simply can’t get at 5nm or more. They are simply built to a specification not a price.

Also this is not the sort of product you can pick up at your local IGA or Woolworth’s. Only a handfull of manufacturers on the planet can even make them.

And their market is tiny.

I am happy to pay the price, as while expensive, they could easily go the way of the Dodo. Still think they are expensive? Custom filter runs make them look like an absolute bargain
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