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Old 22-08-2018, 09:32 AM
Dazzled by the Cosmos.

Dennis is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Brisbane
Posts: 11,724
My experience and how I navigated the issue is quite different.

When I initially discovered that I could not download the Aug Issue my original reaction was what the flaming heck is going on!

This was further compounded by not being able to access previously downloaded issues and I could feel the temperature of my blood rising.

Pausing to take stock of the situation, I asked myself the following questions:
  • “Is someone trying to break down my front door with an axe?”
  • “Is this a deliberate, targeted action against me personally?”
  • “Are S&T trying to steal from me?”
  • “Is this a life and death issue?”
  • “Am I losing $1000’s?”
After answering “No” to all the above, I calmed down and read around the issue and ended up giving the folks at S&T the benefit of the doubt, as they did not appear to have a history of trying to short change their customers. Added to that they have a rich history of serving the astronomy community.

What finally compelled me to cease digital subscriptions were simple issues; my historical experiences were that these were not the types of supplier relationships that fitted my lifestyle and met my own expectations.

So, I wish the folks at S&T all the best for the future and I hope they can tame the loss of business through illegal downloads.


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