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Old 09-07-2018, 10:20 AM
Tropo-Bob (Bob)
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OPHIUCHUS - The Grand Tour

Below are the subjects in Ophiuchus that I wish to view:-

The Main Stars:

Alpha Ophiuchi (Oph): Rasalhague. A binary with a period about 9 years. Alpha Oph A is almost flying apart because of it high rotational rate and has much higher gravity at its poles compared to its equator.

Beta Oph: Cebalrai. Evolving into a giant.

Gamma Oph: Muliphen. It is radiating an excess emission of infrared, suggesting the presence of a circumstellar disk of dust at an orbital radius of 64 AU from the host star

Delta Oph: Yed Prior. A large (59 times the solar radius), but not massive (1.5 Solar masses) red-giant star.

Epsilon Oph: Yed Posterior. Another red-giant. (10 times Solar raius, but 2 x Solar masses).

Objects of interest.

Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex. Hartung's suggests in his book, Astronomical Objects for Southern Telescopes that this nebula can be seen. I had previously thought it appeared only in photographs, so I will try to observe it.

NGC 6572 Planetary Nebula. Its bright at Mag 8.1, but is only 16x13 arc seconds in size.

RS Oph - Recurrent Nova; there have been 8 recorded outbursts, the last being in 2006. It is bright enough to be seen at minimum (Mag 12) and reaches around Mag 5 during outbursts.

NGC 6633. Open cluster. It apparently is large and bright.

Barnard 72. The Snake Nebula. I have seen dark patches against the Milky Way, but have never previously tried to identify them.

Messier objects in Ophiuchus: M9, M10, M12, M14, M19, M62, and M107.
Caldwell Objects in Ophiuchus: Nil.
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