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Old 06-07-2018, 09:53 PM
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Peter Ward
Galaxy hitchhiking guide

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Originally Posted by clive milne View Post
Being as Canon pays the piper, it is realistic to expect the shekels to fall to those who showcase what is achievable with a DSLR
in preference to a 100 hour, cryogenic E2V deep depletion data mine, even if the image is worthy of a nobel prize.

Sadly, the Malin awards are bleeding credibility to my eyes.

I’d go for the stuff up over the conspiracy every time. I don’t believe David Malin is swayed one iota by Canon’s sponsorship.

That said, I’d bet London to a brick that the number of nightscape images has grown from a ripple to a consumer equipment (Canon/Nikon/Pentax etc.) has improved by an order of magnitude in the last few years with a corresponding fall in price.

Deep Sky, while popular, is hard to do well AND put a fresh face the gear required to grab an A-list image has been at a technological plateau for a number of years now....and is not getting significantly cheaper... new 4k sensor sCMOS pricing is daunting...and as for emCCDs..fantastic tech...but eye watering $$

Sure, the Malins are not perfect. Nor is Greenwich...and I am not aware of anything even similar in the perhaps they deserve more cred than some give them.
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