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Old 10-06-2018, 03:12 PM
Tropo-Bob (Bob)
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LUPUS - The Grand Tour

It's time to check out the Wolf. Lupus boarders with Libra, so my Tour is staring to form a continious North-South slice across the sky.

The Main Stars:

Alpha Lupi (Lup): A nearby (460LY) supernova canditate.

Beta Lup (Kekouan): Only 25 million years old, yet near the end of its hydrogen phase.

Gamma Lup: Binary (190 year period) that was widest in 2014. The only measurement I have says 0.8 arc seconds in 1996.

Delta Lup: Only 15 million years old, but has already entered the subgiant stage.

Eplison Lup. Double star; the companion is wide and faint.

Objects of interest.

NGC 5882: Planetary nebula.

NGC 5824: Globular. Distance 104,000 LY.

NGC: 5927: Globular. Distance 25,000 LY. I am so familiar with this globular, as I use it as a marker when checking the nearby site of what was a nova in 1893. I am hoping to catch a recurrence of the nova. I have seen this globular under a 10 day-old Moon with just a 70mm scope. (Admittedly, not well.) I look forward to comparing it to the other 2 globulars in Lupus, which I have not viewed.

NGC: 5986: Globular. Distance 34,000LY.

NGC:5822. Open cluster. Distance 2,500 LY.

Messier Objects: Nil
Caldwell Objects: Nil
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