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Old 03-03-2018, 01:31 PM
glend (Glen)
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Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Lake Macquarie
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Yeah, laser fitting into focuser tubes, we could have a thread on that alone (and have in the past). Not all focuser tubes, or adaptors, are the same diametre, and the various type of compression fittings can push the laser to one side. I suppose they allow some slack in the bore for various EPs that might all be the same diametre, and for EPs that might not matter too much. I found on my GSO laser that I had to shim it by wrapping a thin piece of plastic film around it to get it fit snug in the focuser and not push the beam off to one side when I tightend the knob. The self-centering adaptors are great but of course scopes don't come standard with those.
My Moonight focusers can't be faulted but stock ones are just too loose.

This slack in the bore can also be a factor in lasers showing collimation changes as scopes are moved on their axis.
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