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Old 17-09-2017, 08:12 PM
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Peter Ward
Galaxy hitchhiking guide

Peter Ward is offline
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Originally Posted by Camelopardalis View Post

The only problem with tradition is that over time it gets outgunned by the technological revolution........
Beg to differ.

For sure, sensors have improved immensely.

But while I cherish my optics, I upgrade my camera bodies often, simply to take closer scrutiny of what the glass has to offer.

I've put together a small web page here to illustrate what I'm on about.

Sure, going from a 52mm diameter objective, to a 100mm is not the same as comparing a 300mm vs 400mm aperture telescope.

But I'd suggest we are simply talking shades of grey here.

To argue a 3" objective with say 1 micron pixels, can capture the same detail as a 30" and 10 micron pixels is a nonsense. You just need to decide where along the continuum you want to operate.
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