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Old 14-09-2017, 03:47 PM
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Paul Haese
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Paul Haese is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Adelaide
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Where's the popcorn?

Seriously though, I have just ventured along this path of large aperture, fast f ratio with small pixels. What prompted me along this path was the results Mike gets with his system. I found typically I was doing three times the amount of imaging time and a lot of the time not getting quite the same results. That was in dark, still skies with an AO.

However, this type of imaging is not without its own problems. Fast Newtonians require coma correctors and those can be very sensitive to tilt. Not to mention any other flexure that can occur in a fast Newtonian. Narrowing down the problems can be time consuming if you can't afford an expensive scope which already has most of these issues resolved. The system has to hold collimation well and there has to be no movement in the focuser. Even expensive focusers can have slight slop. It can be a bit of a mine field with cheaper gear but it can work if you persist.

Overall, I think the image scale debate has been settled and I am a late convert to the concept. Fast imaging speed with good guiding is the way to go.
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