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Old 09-09-2017, 06:41 PM
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Slawomir (Suavi)
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Slawomir is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
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Very interesting discussion.

I tried to follow Rick’s instructions to measure SNR in a 2.5 hour test image of NGC 6744 taken from Paddington.
I measured mean background signal in a few featureless areas in the image and subtracted it from mean signal in a bright, medium and dim areas of the galaxy. Then I multiplied the resulting ADU values by gain so that in theory (I hope) should give me the number of photons in a 2.5 hour stack. Signal is still quite dim in 2.5hr exposure; it was only 27 photons in the bright area, 16 photons in medium-bright and only 1.4 photons in the dimmest parts that I could recognise, giving me SNR of 5, 4 and 1.2 respectively. I need more exposure!
Is the above workflow correct?

A link to the image in question (although this stack had a touch of noise reduction applied):

It clearly looks very noisy…
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