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Old 09-08-2017, 07:14 PM
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gregbradley is offline
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Ah that may be it.

I just took it outside and did a quick test. It looks like a winner.
F2.4 has some slight coma in the corners but less than Nikon 14-24 at F2.8. At F2.8 it has very little.

The F2.4 seems to make a fair bit of difference. It seems brighter than I recall the 14-24.Remarkably the focus ring clicks at infinity and that is in
fact perfect focus at infinity. Wow, that's the first lens ever that did that. Also you can lock the focus ring (another ring further out locks it in place). So focus is a snap.

Its light. The petal hood though is a bit hard to understand. I'll have to read the manual as in one position it gets in the road of the lens. Not clear.

Overall it seems an excellent lens.

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