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Old 10-07-2017, 05:56 PM
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gregbradley is offline
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The rule is that full frame always kicks APSc butt no matter how much the APSc crowd claim otherwise.

I recently shot Rho Ophiuchi with both my Sony A7R2 (full frame) and a Fuji XT2 (APSc). The difference was more than I expected in favour of full frame. I know the A7r2 sensor is the best there is at the moment but still the APSc sensor in the XT2 is also the best there is in APSc world. Its kind of not even close for this sort of thing. Sure you can get good results with an APSc but physics says Full frame is covering a 1.5 -1.6X more real estate catching light.

You'll need less panels, you'll get less noise, 12mp is plenty for a panorama and I don't think Milky Way shots look necessarily better in high MP shots. Its a low rez sort of target.

I mean look at the Proline 16803. Its almost medium format size yet its only less than 17mp! Yet I don't think too many would argue about its performance.

I just acquired 4 panels of Milky Way goodness with the Proline and a lens and plan to acquire more next new moon.

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