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Old 13-06-2017, 06:37 AM
glend (Glen)
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Originally Posted by gregbradley View Post
Good post. I agree with this. I don't mind comments about my images as I sometimes get it really right but often I miss the obvious that is pointed out. Like a quality control point.

But there is the aspect of treating others like you would want to be treated. Very occasionally - rarely really, that does not occur but generally speaking I find the people here on IIS really nice people. Mostly they mean well.

Also you don't know the situation when someone posts and you have to put up with that. Someone had a rough day, just had a fight with their partner,
the cheque bounced, they've been drinking etc etc.

How people usually are is the key. If someone is routinely off then you expect them to act that way and its less annoying. You would be surprised if they were positive. If someone is a bit rough who is normally friendly you cut them some slack just like you would in real life.

There is always the ignore button as well!

Of course everyone means well - within the narrow context of what they see as the correct way to do things AP related, and therein lies the problem. My gripe is that certain methodology driven individuals have no respect for those that want to do things differently and they get frustrated by what they see that strays from their way of doing it. Different choices in histogram alignment and colour balance, or a lack of equivalent data values for channels than they might choose does not make an image wrong. And it is not their job to correct the contributor to align with their methodology, and thus produce a carbon copy of how they would do it. That might be welcome in the beginners imaging forum, where people are developing skills in the use of tools, but calling out experienced imagers time after time for non-adherance to their norm is not a simple mistake, but rather a calculated attack on a different viewpoint. You cannot just use an 'ignore' list to block these people, because other viewers are still going to read what they publish and they want to be noticed. If they were simply trying to be helpful a PM is enough, and that is easily ignored. Their intent (whether concious or not) is to drive out non-conformity, using an almost religious zealot approach in which they are the masters. And of course they don't recognise this, they are just trying to help they will say. The end effect is the same, conform or leave, is implied.
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