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Old 16-11-2016, 12:21 PM

JA is offline
Join Date: Oct 2016
Location: Melbourne, Australia
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Originally Posted by codemonkey View Post
I've had my second-hand Sirius dome mostly assembled for a few days now, but I'm struggling to get it to rotate. It'll move freely for a bit, then the wheels will press into the lip on the wall and movement will become difficult. Obviously there's some eccentricity there, but how to solve? I've spent hours tapping walls in and out, loosening and tightening the walls and the dome bolts and have largely gotten nowhere, so I'm wondering if anyone out there has any tips.
I'm not sure of which dome you have, however; I would start with making measurements of the diameter incrementally around the circle of the base on the running track to see where the issue is. Preferably just of the track without the dome in place and loading it. If not OK then adjust the diameter/tweak with ratchet tie downs, brute force, pipe clamps, hydraulic or screw jack or whatever and add stiffening &/or more fasteners at the joints or to the ground to help hold circularity.

Then try to do the same for the dome measurements. Then couple the 2 and fine tune further. Perhaps some images would help the thinking, particularly of the sliding track area.

Also don't forget to look at gummed up /corroded sliding or rolling surfaces.

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