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Old 06-10-2016, 10:59 PM
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RobF (Rob)
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Originally Posted by sharptrack2 View Post

I don't want to step on any toes and I certainly don't want to offend... but,


The link supplied simply references your profile, so if you copy the link into the "URL" field of your bookmark (right click and "edit"), it will automatically open the page with the preferences you set up under your profile. There is a selection under your CFN profile that defines the start page, and you can select meteogram. The only caveat is that you then have to select the model you want to look at, or change location if you are interested in somewhere other than your default location. I would post a screenshot but I'm at work at the moment and cannot sign in properly .

I hope this helps...
Originally Posted by cfn View Post
Couldn't have said it better.

Robert, the link is a process that logs you in and takes you to your preferred home page, so not a simple bookmark technically. There is a little logic behind what it does, this is why it might take you somewhere you don't expect given the initial conditions. (e.g. are you already signed in or not, do you have multiple browser windows already opened?)

I'll do some snapshots and provide a little more info on how to add to favourites, add to home screen or add to windows desktops.

Kevin, if you wish myCFN to remember the last location you visited and set that up in your link overriding the default location when you exit the system we can do that too. Let me know if it's of any use.

Thanks guys. I see a bookmark opened things exactly as expected this evening, so maybe I just had it confused with multiple open windows the other night. Will keep playing and learning. Very happy to have ACCESS data on hand again.
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