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Old 29-08-2016, 10:49 PM
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gregbradley is offline
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You should definitely use the 694 chipped camera over the 8300 camera for narrowband. Chalk and cheese. The 694 is about the most sensitive ccd for narrowband. Its 66% QE in O111 and 70% in Ha. What other camera matches that with 6 megapixels and low noise? Answer - none.

The 8300 has a wider FOV and that's its main advantage but in all other ways the 694 is vastly superior. At around 12 electrons read noise the 8300 is more than twice as noisy as the Sony and far less sensitive in Ha and O111.

Having said that it really only means you have to do longer total exposure times. It has slightly deeper wells also which means better star control. But it really comes down to field of view in my opinion.

The new KAF16200 sets the new standard in low noise exKodak sensors and leaves them all for dead. Its like the Sony yet its a large field of view 27 x 21mm. Quite a vibrant sensor and one that is well balanced in its performance for astrophotography. Low noise, large field of view, quite deep wells, good QE, fast downloads, medium sized pixels that are high resolution - 16.2mp is quite noticeably more resolution. A winner. Its like the little brother of the KAF16803 cameras which are still the king.

I have been using one now for about 6 weeks and will post some images soon once I am happy with them. But I like what I see.
It'll probably become the new hot sensor being used once it gets better known. It suits most users as you go full frame and you need a large focuser and flatteners. This size is probably still fine with 2.7 inch style focusers and may still need a flattener or with some scopes you may not.

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