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Old 10-06-2016, 04:42 AM
glend (Glen)
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Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Lake Macquarie
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Got through an amazing amount of subs last night despite the gusty wind conditions. The short subs enabled by this camera really makes marginal imaging conditions ( like wind) possible (imaging in the lulls). I ran over 150 narrowband guided 60" subs on NGC 6188 before midnight, while the door on the observatory was rattling in the wind. Not surprisingly the guide graph was not the best but it was saying on the chart for the most part. I was prepared to drop back to 300 x 30 second subs if conditions demanded shorter subs. . I was watching the subs on the SGP display, expecting to have to go shorter or shutdown but while some appeared wind affected most were fine. Of course under the old model of plus 300 second subs they would all be rubbish. The obs walls are fairly high and that helps but the top of the scope and light shield sticks up into the wind. I suppose the large trees up wind help as well. I expect i will have to page through all of these subs tomorrow (today) and get rid of any outliers, but even if only half are useable i will be happy.

Last edited by glend; 10-06-2016 at 04:57 AM.
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