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Old 06-06-2016, 08:50 PM
Cloud Free Night Team

cfn is offline
Join Date: May 2016
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 218
Lightbulb Shortcuts and Touchscreens

CFN has a few useful shortcuts that you may use when viewing the site on a tablet or a mobile phone. These touch events will also work seamlessly on a desktop computer equipped with a mouse or a touchscreen monitor.

1. If you swipe horizontally the top banner of the website you will navigate between the Meteogram, Map and Satellite pages, which are the main sections on CFN. So keep swiping left or right. The section will wrap around when reaching the limit.

2. Sometime it is also very handy to quickly toggle between the global GFS model and the more accurate local ACCESS model. To quickly swap between the two models, just run your finger over the model name on the top left hand side of any map.

3. Finally, in the satellite section you can trigger the animation on or off by swiping the map horizontally. It will start playing or stop if already playing.
Attached Thumbnails
Click for full-size image (navbar.jpg)
42.4 KB69 views
Click for full-size image (model_toggle.jpg)
20.4 KB70 views
Click for full-size image (animation_toggle.jpg)
89.2 KB68 views
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