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Old 04-06-2016, 09:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Slawomir View Post
I'm sure the latest camera from ZWO represents awesome value and that this camera will be/is a hit among amateur astrophotographers, but there must be reasons why other manufacturers such as Atik, SX, QSI, Moravian, SBIG and FLI are not rushing, to my knowledge, with realising CMOS-based astro cameras
It may be they just stick with what they know and what their established markets want. When you consider warranties and problems with software, firmware it would be easier to let someone else do all the beta testing then walk in with a better basic camera platform that takes just about any sensor once the market is established and the beta testing has shown what is needed to be practical.

Its much like Canon and Nikon not rushing in to do a good mirrorless camera leaving Sony, Fuji and Olympus to own that segment and its the only camera market segment that is actually expanding. DSLRs and point and shoots are falling markets due to mobile phones.

Of course SX already does CMOS cameras with their Ultrastar guide/planetary camera.

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