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Old 04-06-2016, 11:46 AM
glend (Glen)
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Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Lake Macquarie
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Just another comment on the comparison with the 694. It is pretty obvious that just about all of the Beta Testing has been done on DSOs, and the planetary capabilities of the 1600 are for the most part ignored. This is, in part, due to the excitement about the low noise, high sensitivity nature of the sensor and system, and the background of the CN testers. Even here on IIS the discussion has be mostly related to DSO performance. This camera, with its very high frame rate video capabilties, pushed through Sharpcap and AutoStakkert is suppose to be an excellent planetary and solar camera as well. Can the 694 play in that space as well?

"One camera to rule them all" maybe a long bow to draw, but for people on a budget looking to try all aspects of imaging, it's not a bad assumption.
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