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Old 31-12-2015, 11:11 AM
glend (Glen)
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glend is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Lake Macquarie
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SuperG since my guide equipment is almost the same I will offer this advice. The ASI 120 and the Zwo guidescope work perfectly together. Forget ASCOM, you don't need it now. Personally I hate PHD as I could not get it to hold up a session with my ASI camera. The ASI cameras are high frame rate video and PHD would often hang. I switched to Metaguide and it worked first time and never drops out. Metaguide has an ASI selection in the drop down box in Setup. Try Metaguide, It's free.
The ASI cameras come with a ST4 cable, just plug it into the ASI120 and the guideport on your mount, it works fine as supplied. Don't make it more complicated than it is, it works fine. Make sure you have the latest ASI driver on your computer, download it from ASI if you don't have it.
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