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Old 27-12-2015, 03:13 PM
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multiweb (Marc)
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Originally Posted by alpal View Post
Hi Marc,
Some people like to enter competitions - I do.
They are not getting paid to produce their images so
I suppose the satisfaction of winning is another kind of reward &
also serves as recognition for the immense amount of work they have done.
That's cool. By any mean if you like to compete then do so. I don't stop anyone from competing. Nobody's getting paid. Well, some are... If you think it's an immense amount of work and you need recognition for it then you're in the wrong hobby. I do it to relax and clear my head. Get out of the smoke. Socialize, etc... Different approach.
Originally Posted by alpal View Post
If you don't like competitions then don't participate in any way -
don't look at the pictures & don't vote.
This is a free world & people are allowed to do what they want.
Although it may be bad to gloat over winning first prize it's just as
bad to put someone down for entering a competition.
It's not that I don't like them, I don't like what they create and promote. A culture of egocentric people who'd rather take than give, secrecy about methodology and the on going verbose and self congratulory prose that goes on and on and on, until it degenerates again. The OP posted a simple thread about respecting the light and again it turned really quickly about who won, how they won, was it fair, wtf... who gives one? Never did put someone down for entering a competition. Don't know where you got the idea. There are competitors who are willing to share processing tips. I was very lucky when I started in AP to have Jase around. He used to invariably list all the processing steps when he posted photos. Never said no to answering a direct question. Always gave clear instructions and a lot of people benefited from his tutoring. He won the DM too I believe. But he's the exception.
Originally Posted by alpal View Post
Above all - don't take life so seriously - as you said - it's just a hobby.
I haven't produced many pictures this year -
but I will when I feel like it - whenever that may be -
at least I haven't got a boss telling me that I have to - another advantage of a hobby.
And I take it as such. Just saying things as they are. That's all.
Originally Posted by alpal View Post
Remember too that many amateurs have now got exceptional equipment &
methods plus the integration time to bring out details that the larger
professional telescopes don't have the time or will to do.
To do so & get say an APOD is quite an achievement - wouldn't you agree?
The technology has certainly improved and the results achieved are chalk and cheese than say 10 years ago. I don't care much about APODs or any other awards TBH. There are a lot of very talented imagers who don't even enter or participate in events. The internet is full of fantastic photos. If I anybody wants reference material it's there for the picking.

What I'm interested in a community is asking questions, sharing tips and tricks, learning new ones. Not reading 100s posts about how I won this or discovered this or whatever with invariably the same bunch of groupies chimming in on and on and on.
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