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Old 22-12-2015, 10:37 AM
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Paul Haese
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Paul Haese is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
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I find it most interesting that those who bag David's comments in this regard are yet to win a category and I saw a lot of spite in a couple of comments. I personally dislike being singled out for an attack simply because someone likes to use me as a punching bag because they don't think I deserved to win the competition. because of a personal conflict. As to referring to David as "some bloke" indicates a lot to me. David is well qualified to make his assessments and whilst I have been guilty of wondering what the hell his judging criteria was, in the past I did decide to ask him personally to understand his ideas. I also told him of my frustrations with wondering why he would judge one thing or another. He was very patient and understanding and gave really interesting answers. Many of which made perfect sense once we discussed things. He does keep pretty well abreast of imaging knowledge and does know what he is talking about. He is not just to be fobbed off with insults. I don't necessarily agree with all his ideas but one has to work with what the judge of that competition wants. If you want to win something you must play to the judge. In this regard I just happen agree with his ideas.

As to respecting the light statements by David. Having spent nearly an hour talking privately with David in 2012 I actually know what he is talking about. His comments are about light and shadow and how this should be depicted. It has been a photographic principle ever since people started developing concepts of photography. Ansel Adams photographs are a great illustration of this idea. Things that are in the direct path of the light are well lit and those things that are in the shadows are not well illuminated. David does not mean that the bright areas should be totally over blown and the dark areas without definition and dark. He means that there should be specific degrees of grey scale. Making images show all the detail at the same illumination level is not photography. If people want to do that then do so. I think I like to present images with light and shadow myself.
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