Thread: Introduction.
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Old 10-12-2015, 05:42 PM
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ASTRO-GEM is offline
Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Budgewoi, Australia
Posts: 15


Having been a member here since July this year, this is my first post after trying to write on here several times but to no avail, I had just deleted again.
Not being very computer savvy I'm finding this a bit daunting to say the least
I recently went to the David Malin Awards in Parkes and after what I'd seen and heard as well as the people I'd met and the fun I'd had: I became hooked. I came home and brought a Canon 700D which was all the budget would allow and now I'm still trying to figure out how to use it.

I also own a Celestron 80mm GTL Go To scope with very basic tripod, a celestron 70 mm Travel scope in backpack, a case full of Plossal eye pieces and filters and absolutely NO IDEA on what to do with any of them
I have also realised that it was not very wise of me to impulsively try and run BEFORE I can crawl, so to speak.. LOL I now have a camera I'm struggling to use, a telescope that is way too small for Deep Space viewing let alone being able to hold a DSLR camera, a CCD camera which is stuck in storage somewhere and a very confused little pumpkin
Is there any one here who would be able to shed some light for me as to what is the best way to go, which scope to start with for Deep Space and Astrophotography on a very low income.

Also what is Piggy backing, auto guides and guider scopes all used for and WHY???
Thanks can't wait to hear from you! Terri
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