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Old 21-11-2015, 11:47 PM
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codemonkey (Lee)
Lee "Wormsy" Borsboom

codemonkey is offline
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Kilcoy, QLD
Posts: 2,058
I doubt you're going to get much better than that with a mount like this, Suavi. You're sampling at 1.09"/px if I'm not mistaken. I'm sampling at 1.11"/px and my RMS is usually 0.6" RMS or more, and with this I can get images with low 2" FWHM (sometimes high 1"). I'm pretty happy with that to be honest, given that it puts me squarely in undersampled territory I don't think you can ask for much more.

With regard to the tracking accuracy and the associated graphs, I'm not sure I understand the mechanics of it, but it seems the impact of periodic error diminishes the closer you get to the poles; it could be that the times you notice particularly good guiding are when you're closer to the poles? This definitely holds true for me. I saw 0.45" tonight which is about as low as I've ever seen it, and this was as I was crossing the meridian to the south. Earlier when pointing east I'd seen 0.72"
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