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Old 13-11-2015, 11:06 AM
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graham.hobart (Graham stevens)

graham.hobart is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: hobart, tasmania
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Hi Rally, none of these were stretched, they were FITs taken in Maxim Dl then converted to JPEG and compressed to fit the IIS requirements only.
The camera was pointing away from any point light source so the black band at the corner is what I am concerned about.
When the shutter is closed the darks seem ok (no obvious issue with sensor) so I wonder whether the incidental light is not orthogonal with the sensor or if I do have a light leak.
The other issue which you can see when I post the other frames later, is that assuming the TAK 85mm baby Q 44mm image circle is much bigger than the KAF 8300 sensor size, there appear to be areas not illuminated by the scope?
I know its hard when you can't see the frames but I am at work and will post tonight. Cheers
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