Thread: Alluna RC16
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Old 10-10-2015, 02:33 AM
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Peter Ward
Galaxy hitchhiking guide

Peter Ward is offline
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I finally got to taking a little data tonight....sans some decent flat-fields due overcast early in the evening (I like to use sky flats)

Looks like there are a few small tweaks needed. The camera system needs a little shimming...and without the correct spacing field flattener
is a tad off its optimum distance from the CCD....

So! A couple more test images.....warts and all.

M42...of course .... 2 minutes unguided

NGC1365 had a mere 30 minutes of exposure, self guide mode. There is a weird stray reflection/arc lower left that I suspect is from the obs' PC screen....

Both are straight luminance, un-cropped 16803 fields. Darks, a dodgy flat and some scaling was the limit of the processing.

Seeing was just OK, but as the focal length is around 3340mm I'm pretty pleased with stellar footprints so far.
Attached Thumbnails
Click for full-size image (m422mins.jpg)
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Click for full-size image (N1365test.jpg)
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