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Old 07-10-2015, 02:17 PM
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Flugel88 (Michael)
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Posts: 253
Artifact banquet first light GSO RC14

Had a crack at the Skull last night with my new setup GSO RC truss.
As you can see i have a multitude of issues to contend with.

Scope GSO RC TRuss 14"
Atik 383L
Orion OAG
Moonlite 2.5" focuser
Nautilus Filter wheel
1.25" astronomik filters

Green arrow
Firstly vignetting my 1.25" filters i'm fairly certain ill be needing to upgrade my filters and filter wheel to at least 36mm.Is a shame that Nautilus Filter wheel carousals are not interchangeable

Been having major issues with moisture in my Atik Camera. I Used to be able to avoid the jack Frost crystals from forming on the CCd chip by dropping temp staged over 30 mins but now its so bad nothing seems to stop it.
So far i've tried baking the Desiccant tablets multiple times also placing camera in a sealed bag full of desiccant satchels.
I can now see what looks like either permanent water sitting to the side of the Sensor or could be some kind of residue marks .
I am certain that the red arrow is a moisture issue as it shows when i take an exposure with camera not connected to scope.

Are these dust related?
I did a test taking a flat just using camera to focuser (ie no filters or OAG)
and they were still visible. Also checked camera glass window looks spotless. Would flats eliminate these circles?

These odd internal light reflections are what worry me most.They look terrible.checked the all my imaging components but i couldn't see any obvious shinny or unpainted surfaces. Could this be an issue with the RC's internal Baffle flocking?

Hoping to get a chance soon to play around do some proper fault finding.
appreciate any and all help you could all offer me as you can see im going to need it

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