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Old 23-05-2015, 03:55 PM
jase (Jason)
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Originally Posted by ericwbenson View Post
Hi Jase,
Funny, I have the Maxim 6 license too, but like you I have not updated the imaging computer with it (it wasn't broke!). I did recently read a thread in the ACP comm center about the v6 multi guide star + ACP setup, eventually they did get it all to work, so I was going to try it, eventually...but I did want to get Scheduler working first.

Even at 3.5m fl some parts of the sky I can see a dozen guide stars with the SX Lodestar, other parts just a few, but almost always more than one. That is with the rotator though chasing the best spot. I have also set my minimum guide exposure length to 1 sec since the tracking on the A200HR is reaaally good and any small corrections faster than that are often just seeing/wind/noise, and likely better ignored. I'd make that even longer but then dithering becomes a pain since after the dither the guider needs to lock on again causing a few more guide cycles. I think ~5sec is longest exposures I'd use for that reason.

With a rotator + >1 sec exposures I think multiple stars is feasible most of the time. Worst case is multi-star turns into single-star.

Eric, thanks for the detailed response. I think I may bite the bullet and give it a try. I'll do some reading up on it. I think my ACP and Scheduler license is about to expire so had better get cracking. I'll let you know how I get on.

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