Thread: Sbig sti 8300c
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Old 20-04-2015, 05:46 PM
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Yes I was referring to the Kingfisher V sheet. This is the earlier model isn't it?

Also I think they are careless in their spec sheet as the 2 sensors should have different well depths.

7 electrons seems worse than every other user of the same sensors. Also SX gets 17,000 electrons well depth. I wonder if these guys even measure their full well depth. Surely it can't be that different.

Starlight Express get read noise of 4-5 electrons on the smaller ICX674 chip and 5 on the larger ICX694.

As you say not necessarily good specs or bang for your buck here. The Kingfisher V seems a lot better. But as you say there's more to cameras than a spec sheet, software compatibility, AO units, adapters, accessories would make it a difficult beast not to mention no resale value.

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