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Old 27-03-2015, 09:22 AM
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Andy01 (Andy)
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Melbourne
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Widefield scope recommendations?

Hi everyone,

I'm thinking of adding a widefield 'scope to my arsenal. I'd like to shoot large dso's like Rho ophiucus, Vela SNR, The spagetti nebula, even Eta Carina in full but my current setup limits me to 1.67 x1.30* (William Optics FLT 110, .8reducer/flattener & QSI 8300 wsg8 on an EQ6.)

Options appear to include the W/O 71, or 81, Borg, televue etc. I doubt I could afford a tak with my budget of around 1k so what would you recommend?
NB: I do a lot of narrowband so faster is better!

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