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Old 22-02-2015, 12:02 PM
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gregbradley is offline
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There's a few sensors out there now that are a bit similar. The KAF16803, the KAI 11002 and the KAI 16070. The last 2 are full frame sensors around 36 x 24mm.

I think possibly the KAI16070 is a more modern natural upgrade to the venerable KAI 11002. At least the few images I have seen with it look very good. 16mp in a full frame with 52% QE and 7.4 micron pixels is a good fit for many scopes. Also file sizes will be more like 20mp.

The KAF 16803 has enormous well depth of around 100,000 electrons.
Its 36.4mm square so it places more demands on orthogonality of your system but its a great sensor. Oversampled on wider field scopes but usually that does not matter much.

Starlight Express has a H36 which is the KAI16070 for US$6050 and the H35 KAI 11002 for US$5150. They don't cool as hard but SX are known for their clean electronics and often no need for dark subtracts.

Also it can be coupled with an AO unit (as can the Moravian 16803).

I personally would prefer the higher cooling Moravian unit as high cooling can solve some potential problems and looks that little bit cleaner.
Its usually FLI's strong point.

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