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Old 17-02-2015, 11:34 AM
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Peter Ward
Galaxy hitchhiking guide

Peter Ward is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: The Shire
Posts: 8,126
Originally Posted by algwat View Post
Nice camera, like the PoE option.
Did you get the power injector device??
What distance are you running on the cable?

Would like to see your night sky efforts.

Is it save files as avi/mov/video using generic software?
It is visible to any windows app, like DMK is ?

Can it do single timed frame grabs with exposures upto 5 secs?

lot o questions....?

kind regards, Alan
The feed is either mpg or H264. PGR sell the power injectors, it's good to at least 10 metres, which is the current cable length to the camera, but I suspect longer runs will also work.

The camera will allow still-frames to be grabbed, but VLC will also do that at a user defined interval.

I've set up an automatic FTP upload every five minutes, hence can check out the sky no matter where in the world I happen to be from this web page
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