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Old 29-01-2015, 11:34 PM
torsion (Bram)
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torsion is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Canberra
Posts: 88
Hi Ronny,

I think you will be fine, just take care to make a solid connection for mounting your APM onto the Edge HD to 'remove' and differential flexure.

As for the 'mirror flop' you can mitigate that with the mirror locks on the back after you have finished focussing. You may have to undo and refocus if there are large temperature changes.

As for the PHD2 settings start off with the defaults, although you may need to adjust the calibration steps, but there is a handy calculation option to get yoy going. Theae settings are mount specific.

I use Metaguide and it works great, even used the finder scope and an analogue video camera to guide. Now I use the QHY5lii and it runs fantastic.

As mentioned before, as long as your error is around +/-2 arc seconds you will/should have round stars.

See to post a screen shot of your guide plots, with any modified settings.

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