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Old 17-12-2014, 04:27 PM
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gregbradley is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
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Hi Colin,

I've read electronic shutter can cause some issues with certain scenes like fluro lighting. No doubt the electronic process causes some artifact somehow.

With such short exposures wouldn't it be easier to simply use long exposure noise reduction?

Or take 30 darks and make a master and bias and use a master adaptive dark?

I'm interested as I was thinking about perhaps getting one at some stage. But then the A7r is no slouch and it seemed to me unless you are taking night video then ISO12800 has little advantage over 30 seconds/ISO6400 which is already extremely bright or even better 90 seconds/ISO1600 with a Polarie.

By the way I saw a nice little DSLR tracker at Bintel the other day. It seems to guide in both axes. That could be good for a 200mm Milky Way shot for 30 minutes or so.

The 6D does seem very clean. I wonder how Canon are doing it? Perhaps one reason is dark subtract occurring on every long exposure/high ISO or some sort of very effective hot pixel subtract. Its hard to believe the basic sensor is that noise free as its the same architecture they have been using now for quite some time. The main difference between a Sony CMOS full frame and a Canon is the Canon has the A/D converter circuitry off chip and a separate piece of silicone. Sony has theirs onchip and around every pixel. No doubt there are advantages to both ways with Sony's producing lower noise due to less noise picked up from the travel off chip. The Canon though may lead to less heat.

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