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Old 01-12-2014, 10:29 AM
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Andy01 (Andy)
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Originally Posted by Joshua Bunn View Post
HI Andy,
It is best practice to bin the darks and flats 2x2 to match the images.
Thanks Joshua - I've done that now.

Originally Posted by ghsmith45 View Post
Hi Andy. Definitely match the darks to the binning of the subs. As far as flats are concerned you have to be aware of the fact that flats correct three things--vignetting, dust bunnies and pixel to pixel variation in QE (usually <1%). Flats that don't match the binning of the lights will correct vignetting and dust bunnies but not QE variation.
Good point Geoff - all done now

Originally Posted by Shiraz View Post
Nebulosity has a software binning function that is identical in effect to the hardware binning that you have used for the RGB data. Just software bin everything (cal and NB) that is 1x1 to get it to 2x2 and you can then apply it directly to your binned RGB. Have done this and it works fine.

If you then wish to reclaim some of the resolution / scale lost in binning, try drizzle stacking.
Thanks Ray - will try that out!

Cheers everyone, appreciate the input and advice
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